
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
Jesus Goes to College
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
Campus ministers K. Rex Butts, Rusty Jordan, and Casey Coston share a vision for planting new university campus ministries that focuses on leading students to follow Jesus. Discussion includes how to be intentional in making disciples from a foundation of God’s grace that equips students to embody the gospel with intentional outreach as participants in the mission of God.

Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
Confessions of an East L.A. Preacher
Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
This message by Robert Perez explores accepting our calling and counting the cost, with a little “pinch of Latino spice” from 2 Timothy. May God make us all equal to the task of being called and sent.

Friday Feb 26, 2021
Undivided: Three Spiritual Practices That Break Down Walls
Friday Feb 26, 2021
Friday Feb 26, 2021
Increasingly, we live in a world of walls. Divided and disconnected from our fellow humans, from our loving Father and even from our true selves, we need practices that can lead to wholeness, healing and integration. These three spiritual practices are a step toward tearing down the walls between you, your neighbor, your God, and yourself.

Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Trading Airplane Tickets for Zoom Links
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Senior Director of Let's Start Talking, Craig Altrock, shares truths that have guided LST through the pandemic.

Wednesday Feb 24, 2021

Monday Feb 22, 2021
The Yellow Peril
Monday Feb 22, 2021
Monday Feb 22, 2021
Allen Jang shares insight into your Chinese and Asian neighbors as well as practical tips on reaching out to them for Jesus and some unexpected ways God has worked.
Allen Jang was baptized out of Buddhism/Confucianism by Dr. Carl Mitchell in 1970. Since then, he had served as a science teacher in a teaching career that has spanned 48 years at two public high schools and several Christian schools. He was honored by the U.S. Congress as a National Honor Roll Science Teacher in 1993, and as Ink magazine Teacher of the Year in 2006. He has published a Bible in Romanized Ping-Yam Cantonese and an English/Cantonese/Mandarin Hymnal available through Amazon. He now serves as the teaching minister of an Asian House Church of Christ in partnership with the Sierra Madre and Baldwin Park churches of Christ.

Monday Feb 22, 2021
Scandalous Witness: A Little Political Manifesto for Christians
Monday Feb 22, 2021
Monday Feb 22, 2021
Christian identity is in moral and political crisis. One major reason Christianity in America has been made into a bad public joke is our failure to rightly understand what Christianity is. Refusing to reduce Christianity to any partisan agenda, we must embrace a Christianity that is neither right, nor left, nor religious, as well as the fact that the gospel is inherently political. Our calling as political witnesses requires, among other things, our insistence that “American hope” is an illegitimate form of Christian hope. The United States is not the hope of the world nor is it a Christian nation. Rather, “American Christian values” corrupt Christianity, and partisanship mocks the true scandal of the gospel. This does not mean, however, any ill-conceived withdrawal from, or apathy regarding sociopolitical concerns, nor does it entail a posture of being countercultural.

Monday Feb 22, 2021
What is the Kingdom Response to Undocumented Immigrants?
Monday Feb 22, 2021
Monday Feb 22, 2021
Political and national agendas rarely line up with God. Disciples of Jesus need to know how God wants his people to respond to this crisis. This class will give insights gained from Scripture, firsthand experience from ministry to people in detention and deportation and firsthand witnessing of what God is currently doing in various ways at the southern border of the U.S.

Monday Feb 22, 2021
Finding Your Home in God’s Neighborhood
Monday Feb 22, 2021
Monday Feb 22, 2021
Some read the Sermon on the Mount as a list of impossible standards. Others see it as an essential blueprint for obedient discipleship. But what if it's really an invitation to come dwell in God's neighborhood? Drawing from the witness and wisdom of Mr. Rogers, this class helps us envision the Sermon on the Mount as a creative imagining of life in God's neighborhood. From the Beatitudes to the concluding proverbs, the Sermon on the Mount asks us: "Won't you be God's neighbor?"

Monday Feb 22, 2021
Patience That Does Not Compel
Monday Feb 22, 2021
Monday Feb 22, 2021
The current landscape of many churches is one of uncertainty, anxiety, and anger about a changing world. How should the church respond to these difficult times? In this class we will explore how the early church navigated a similar landscape. Instead of choosing panic they chose a posture of patience. That attitude changed everything for the church then and has the potential to do the same for us today.

Monday Feb 22, 2021
Una Iglesia que se relaciona con la cultura
Monday Feb 22, 2021
Monday Feb 22, 2021
La espiritualidad es un mosaico de historias de la comunidad a través de varios contextos. Aprender cómo la Iglesia puede ganar perspectiva cuando se trata de emprender en una espiritualidad adecuada en la cultura, sin trivializar la fe.

Monday Feb 22, 2021
Listen and Make Room: Joining God in Welcoming Children
Monday Feb 22, 2021
Monday Feb 22, 2021
Jesus listened to those who had no voice and made room for the vulnerable. This class calls us to do the same. Vulnerable children are at the core of God’s mission. Those who adopt God’s mission will listen and make room. Taking up that mission will prompt a revival in the contemporary church.

Monday Feb 22, 2021
The Indwelling of Deity in the Believer
Monday Feb 22, 2021
Monday Feb 22, 2021
How is the Father in the Son? How is the Son in the Father? How is Jesus one with the Father? The answers to these questions are bold and confident revelations which were made by Jesus. The answers to these questions reveal for the understanding of the saints in Christ how and when deity, that is, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit came to dwell in the believer. This is the boldness, confidence, and joy of the children of God.

Monday Feb 22, 2021
Navigating the Challenges of Faith
Monday Feb 22, 2021
Monday Feb 22, 2021
For years we have heard about faith that can move mountains. What was Jesus talking about when He told His disciples to have faith and what was the reason He called them to this kind of faith? We will study this passage from Mark 11.

Monday Feb 22, 2021
My Week with Francis Chan
Monday Feb 22, 2021
Monday Feb 22, 2021
Jacob Parnell attended the We Are Church one-week intensive in San Francisco and came home with a lot of information, a lot of conviction, but not a lot of direction. Do their practices translate to an established church that isn’t ready to completely jettison its church building, paid ministers, and creature comforts? Is it an all-or-nothing model? What am I supposed to do now? This session will share some of the principles and practices learned from Chan’s house-church network and his reflections on which ones have impacted a 70-year-old California Church of Christ. The session will also share some encouraging guidelines for how to process and apply (or not apply) information learned at any conference or training session.

Monday Feb 22, 2021
Reading Scripture with the Ancient Church
Monday Feb 22, 2021
Monday Feb 22, 2021
This session will explore how ancient Christians interpreted Scripture theologically and what we can learn from them. Early Christians took Jesus and Paul as models for how to read Scripture, but modern believers have often been trained to avoid such approaches. For premodern interpreters, everything in Scripture, even in the Old Testament, points to Christ. In modern times, especially among scholars, Christian and non-Christian alike, the Bible became more of a dead letter than a living word. What are those different approaches, and what can we learn from each? This session is based on the speaker's book, "The Letter and Spirit of Biblical Interpretation: From the Early Church to Modern Practice" (Baker Academic, 2018).

Monday Feb 22, 2021
Undivided: One Spiritual Practice That Breaks Down Walls
Monday Feb 22, 2021
Monday Feb 22, 2021
Increasingly, we live in a world of walls. Divided and disconnected from our fellow humans, from our loving Father and even from our true selves, we need practices that can lead to wholeness, healing and integration. This spiritual practice is a step toward tearing down the walls between you, your neighbor, your God, and yourself.