
Friday May 04, 2018
Land of Hopes and Dreams
Friday May 04, 2018
Friday May 04, 2018
Greg Taylor
How the former Garnett Road Church of Christ in Tulsa, OK is continuing The Journey after 50 years

Friday May 04, 2018
A Dwelling Place: Bringing the Love and Peace of Christ to Muslims
Friday May 04, 2018
Friday May 04, 2018
Craig Young
Craig will combine over 25 years of personal mission experience in Marseille, France with his specific doctoral research to share what God is doing among Muslims in his corner of the Mediterranean rim. As Muslims immigrate to the West in record numbers, hear and be encouraged by some real life examples of love in response to one of the most pressing missional needs of our time. Consider what a dwelling place full of the love and peace of Christ can produce in the hearts of those born and raised in the Muslim world.

Friday May 04, 2018
Racial Reconciliation: A Millennial's Nightmare and Vision
Friday May 04, 2018
Friday May 04, 2018
Steven Brice
With countless protests, boycotts and views being shared on social media, it appears that the church could become marginalized. Let's have a conversation on what the church needs to do on the frontline of healing racial divides.

Friday May 04, 2018
Finding God at the Margins (Part 2: Among the Downtrodden)
Friday May 04, 2018
Friday May 04, 2018
Charles Kiser
God is at work at the margins of society, among those many would least expect. What if we didn't have to take God with us into relationships with neighbors in poverty? What if he is already there and we simply have to discover what he's doing?

Friday May 04, 2018
Tricks, Tales, and Twisted Tongues: Lying to the Holy Spirit
Friday May 04, 2018
Friday May 04, 2018
Trevor Thompson
People lie; the question is always why. In one of the most disturbing stories in the Bible, Ananias and Sapphira attempt to deceive the Spirit. The result is divine homicide. The dead couple no longer tell tales. What does this tawdry tale teach about life in communities of the Spirit?

Friday May 04, 2018
Unpacking the Rotation Model, Part 2: A Little Something for Everyone
Friday May 04, 2018
Friday May 04, 2018
Carrie Gotcher, Wendy Humphries, Marian Parker
Short on volunteers, kids disengaged, parents not interested, shallow curriculum? Carrie Gotcher, Marian Parker and Wendy Humphries will share their experiences teaching children using the rotation model and how it has brought life to their ministry.

Friday May 04, 2018
Friday May 04, 2018
Rubel Shelly

Friday May 04, 2018
Blessed, or Spoiled? Leadership Lessons for Our Times from Solomon
Friday May 04, 2018
Friday May 04, 2018
Tim Willis
There are many striking parallels between the days of Solomon and our own time in history. Solomon inherited impressive wealth and power from his father, but he also inherited a vibrant faith. Sadly, the kingdom and the faith that he passed on to his own son were not nearly so healthy. This class will open a conversation on confronting the challenges we face as we strive to faithfully pass on the inheritance we have received.

Friday May 04, 2018
Hope for the Next Generation: Lessons from a Young Adult Ministry
Friday May 04, 2018
Friday May 04, 2018
Wilson McCoy
Many are concerned about the future of the church. However, over the last eight years of working with young adults my hope for the next generation of faith has grown deeper and wider. In this class I want to share some lessons learned, mistakes made, and lingering questions about this important generation in the life of our churches.

Friday May 04, 2018

Friday May 04, 2018
3 Amazing Restoration Movement Stories that Could Change Our Future
Friday May 04, 2018
Friday May 04, 2018
Stan Granberg
Dr. Stan Granberg tells the amazing growth stories of the Restoration Movement and what we should learn that could propel us to a 21st season of growth

Friday May 04, 2018
Friday May 04, 2018
Dan Bouchelle, Mark Hooper
The good news is that the Good News speaks to every world view, especially those dominated by honor and shame. But, most Americans now need help to hear the dominant aspect of the gospel in scripture.This class will enlarge our understanding of the Gospel to help us form a relevant message to the majority of people worldwide and in our cities who come from Honor-Shame cultures.

Friday May 04, 2018

Friday May 04, 2018
Preach Like You're at the Areopagus (Because You Are)
Friday May 04, 2018
Friday May 04, 2018
Justin Gerhardt
The landscape is changing and we must adjust. As more and more Americans identify as religious "nones," and as those who call themselves Christians become less and less conversant with the Bible, preachers bear a responsibility to shape messages accordingly. This session will offer practical thoughts on how to make sure our preaching actually connects with those we're called to reach.

Friday May 04, 2018
The Addicted Christian: Addressing the Opioid Crisis
Friday May 04, 2018
Friday May 04, 2018
Brandon Holt, Jimmy Hurd
This class will discuss the global epidemic of opioid addiction and relate it to the experiences of Christians in our local churches. Brandon will share his personal experience as a minister who was addicted to pain medication and now serves as a licensed chemical dependence counselor while continuing his preaching ministry. We will offer suggestions for addressing the problem and give encouragement to those personally impacted by it.

Friday May 04, 2018
The Mystery of Creation (This Cosmic Ball of Dust)
Friday May 04, 2018
Friday May 04, 2018
Josh Graves
This session explores the mystery of God and Planet Earth. What does the Bible, experience, and contemporary art teach us about this place we live? How do we learn to enjoy our world for the brief time we have with this one precious life?

Friday May 04, 2018
Christian Unity (Part 1: Have We Lost Interest?)
Friday May 04, 2018
Friday May 04, 2018
Rubel Shelly
Churches in the Stone-Campbell tradition have an historical interest in Christian unity. Do you hear much about it these days? Should we abandon the plea? Is it meaningful in our culture?

Friday May 04, 2018
Preaching Today: A Conversation featuring Rick Atchley and Jeff Walling
Friday May 04, 2018
Friday May 04, 2018
Taylor Walling, Jeff Walling, Rick Atchley
Hear two veteran communicators talk about the craft of sermon writing, the dynamics of delivery, using a teaching team, and much more. The session will finish with a live Q&A - bring your questions! Moderated by Taylor Walling.

Friday May 04, 2018
Our Brightly Lit Cages, Part 1
Friday May 04, 2018
Friday May 04, 2018
Chris Seidman
We spend a lot of time bowing down to our devices and screens. It impacts our capacity to being fully present where we are. Technology is an awesome servant but terrible master. What makes the difference?

Friday May 04, 2018
The Next Generation Speaks
Friday May 04, 2018
Friday May 04, 2018
Jeff Walling
Ambassadors from Pepperdine's Next Gen Preacher Search share their messages.

Friday May 04, 2018
A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall: The Apocalyptic Theology of Bob Dylan
Friday May 04, 2018
Friday May 04, 2018
Mark Love, Aaron Metcalf
Everyone knows about Bob Dylan's "Christian phase," but Dylan's entire career features an apocalyptic faith that makes him both prophet and pastor. Come and enjoy a discussion of Dylan's music and it's impact on Mark and Aaron's life.

Friday May 04, 2018
Holy Darkness: Walking with Others in Grief and Loss
Friday May 04, 2018
Friday May 04, 2018
Virgil Fry
Being a caring presence to someone in grief is difficult. Fellow faith travelers can be a loving source of hope. Let's discuss helpful and not-so-helpful phrases to say, and learn better how to listen more than talk.

Friday May 04, 2018
Social Media: The Secret to a Halfway Productive Online Conversation
Friday May 04, 2018
Friday May 04, 2018
Matt Dabbs
This class will cover the habits, disciplines and perspectives that can help you have a spiritually healthy and beneficial social media experience as a Christian.

Friday May 04, 2018
The Spirit of God in the Old Testament
Friday May 04, 2018
Friday May 04, 2018
Chris Heard
From its very first paragraph, the Old Testament repeatedly refers to a "spirit of God," or "divine breath," or "mighty wind" - a single Hebrew phrase can mean all three. What did the Old Testament writers trying to say when they spoke of a "spirit of God," and how does that relate to Christian thinking about the Holy Spirit?

Friday May 04, 2018
Friday May 04, 2018
Dan Bouchelle
God is using Isis and Radical Islam to bring Muslim background people to him in dramatic ways. This class will talk about how God has broken into the Muslim world in a dramatic ways for the first time in 1400 years.