
Friday May 04, 2018
The Ghost with the Most: Spirit Indwelling and Demon Possession in Luke-Acts
Friday May 04, 2018
Friday May 04, 2018
Kevin Burr
Christians have rightly emphasized Jesus' power a) in the Holy Spirit and b) over demons for millennia. But to stop there is to do a major disservice not only to Jesus' mission but to the Spirit-filled church's as well. In this lecture we will briefly discuss ancient views on demons and will compare and contrast three episodes of demon possession in Luke-Acts with three episodes of Holy Spirit indwelling in order to show how God's mission for the church is also, and necessarily, human-focused.

Friday May 04, 2018
Friday May 04, 2018
Jason Bandura
The Holy Spirit is entrusted to lead us into all truth. He's particularly keen on leading us into those truths we most need but resist. Through vulnerable story-sharing and honest reflection on both Scripture and experience, this class will aim to position listeners before the Spirit of surprises.

Friday May 04, 2018
Increasing Glory, Part 2: The Spirit's Role in Spiritual Formation
Friday May 04, 2018
Friday May 04, 2018
Kevin Withem

Friday May 04, 2018
Friday May 04, 2018
Grady King, Jon Mullican
Leaders must have courage in times of uncertainty and chaos. What are the essentials of courageous leadership? At what price? At whose expense?

Friday May 04, 2018
Dancing in the Desert: A Trinitarian Approach to Mental Health
Friday May 04, 2018
Friday May 04, 2018
Kyle Sapp
People who live with mental illness matter to Jesus. Our congregations are filled with friends and family who regularly wrestle with mental illness. Helping to support them in this can be a long and frustrating journey. It can be like walking through the desert with a half full glass of water. But beautifully, as members of the body of Christ, we do not make this journey alone. As Christians we believe in a God who is One in Three: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. One way of understanding their relationship is that of the Divine Dance, each person moving around each other in perfect rhythm and harmony. This understanding of the doctrine provides us with a helpful view for how the Church can support people with mental illnesses. When our partners struggle to dance we hold them up, we dance slower, and perhaps change the tune entirely. But the one thing we never do, is let them walk off the dance floor. This class will explore how the doctrine of the Trinity can help us love the mentally ill among us.

Friday May 04, 2018
Bonhoeffer, Niebuhr, and MLK: A Vision for Ministers as Theologians
Friday May 04, 2018
Friday May 04, 2018
Brandon Pierce
Ministry is not viewed as an intellectual vocation. At the very least, theological acumen ranks low on the practical skills of effective ministers. Viewing high-level, critical, and creative theological practice as either intrusive or unimportant to ministry is both harmful to the body of Christ and historically inaccurate. This session explores the theological vocation of ministry in three major 20th century figures: Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Reinhold Niebuhr, and Martin Luther King, Jr. It is for seminarians, professors, church leaders, and church members interested in how the church and the academy can function in a more direct, synergistic relationship for the sake of God's Kingdom.

Friday May 04, 2018
Clinging to Hope
Friday May 04, 2018
Friday May 04, 2018
Beverly Ross
Disappointed, devastated, rejected, and broken - these are feelings that can overwhelm those of us who are suffering, leaving us void of hope. The pain and anguish can tempt us to give up, give in, or walk away from faith. Peter wrote his first letter to encourage people to hold on, to cling to Hope - the Living Hope. Let's look into 1 Peter to find some practical help for getting through hard seasons.

Friday May 04, 2018
Our Brightly Lit Cages, Part 2
Friday May 04, 2018
Friday May 04, 2018
Chris Seidman
There's a theology for technology? Absolutely! Flourishing more and floundering less in the purposes of God when it comes to our relationship with our devices and screens.

Friday May 04, 2018
Friday May 04, 2018
Don Rose, Corrie Rose
My wife, Corrie, and I, we have always been inspired and encouraged by the well known poem "Marriage Takes Three" by Beth Stuckwisch, which emphasizes the importance of God in marriage. As we try to keep God at the center of our relationship, we see, too, how the Son and the Holy Spirit relate to and affect our relationship in different but no less vital ways. Our class focus is on inviting and embracing these relationships consciously and intentionally in our marriages and seeing how much more we can be blessed by them.

Friday May 04, 2018
Christians Make the Best Atheists, Part 3
Friday May 04, 2018
Friday May 04, 2018
Luke Norsworthy, Jonathan Storment
We don't have temples for the old Greek gods like Zeus, Aphrodite, or Hermes but we are still just as enticed into worshipping them today. We need to learn to be better atheists towards these gods.

Friday May 04, 2018
Friday May 04, 2018
Taylor Walling
Biblical illiteracy is rampant among young adults and twentysomethings. But what would it look like to read the Bible the way that Jesus read it? How would that change how we taught young adults to read and interact with God's Word? Join us as we consider the radical reshaping of biblical literacy on Jesus' terms.

Friday May 04, 2018
Friday May 04, 2018
Wade Hodges
How is it that the Bible can be both an invitation to faith for some and an obstacle to faith for others? This class will explore the importance of clarifying our assumptions about what the Bible is, how it works, and what we can legitimately expect from it when we read it.

Friday May 04, 2018
Music, Muscle Cars, and Other Makeshift Ministries
Friday May 04, 2018
Friday May 04, 2018
Jason Darden, Aaron Stevens
A session for those wanting to turn their passion into a church ministry.

Friday May 04, 2018
Sexual Testimony: How the Church Can Participate in #MeToo
Friday May 04, 2018
Friday May 04, 2018
Jeremiah Gibson
The #MeToo movement reminds us of the devastating consequences of our nation's inability to provide comprehensive sex education and safe spaces for sexual conversation. This workshop will identify ways that adult communities can use testimony as a way of removing sexual shame and reclaiming their sexual selves. Participants will learn strategies for working through limiting messages/negative experiences regarding sex and gender, as well as tips for identifying and communicating sexual needs.

Friday May 04, 2018
Friday May 04, 2018
Dan Rodriguez

Friday May 04, 2018
Back to the Basics: Loving God and Loving Neighbor
Friday May 04, 2018
Friday May 04, 2018
Ryan Lassiter
We want to reach the world with the good news that Jesus is Lord, and everyone seems to have a trendy way to "do church" in order to accomplish that goal. What if we became a community of people who embodied the greatest commandments instead? Let's get back to the basics of faith, loving God and loving neighbors.

Friday May 04, 2018
Leaving Church: What I'm Learning
Friday May 04, 2018
Friday May 04, 2018
Jennifer Christy
Years of theological education and training, years of professional work and life experience...but what can really prepare you for congregational ministry? And how can you gracefully transition out of a role when your time is up? How do you return to being a member after serving as a minister? What does ministry look like in the public sector? I'm still learning but let's share this journey together.

Friday May 04, 2018
O.T. OpEd (Part 2: Love at the Margins)
Friday May 04, 2018
Friday May 04, 2018
Phil Ware
Old Testament characters who sing the song of Jesus!

Friday May 04, 2018
The Joy of Rebels and Warriors
Friday May 04, 2018
Friday May 04, 2018
Paula Harrington
Finding our joy, hope, and encouragement in the life of Jesus and those who courageously follow him.

Friday May 04, 2018
Neighbors: Crossing the Road to Consider the Experience of the Suffering
Friday May 04, 2018
Friday May 04, 2018
Jeff Brown
In what ways can the "Good Samaritan" serve as guide to help us navigate racial tension and inequality? How might crossing the road to consider someone else's experience expand our understanding of both God and the World? Jesus willingly enters our suffering and disciples of Jesus must learn to do the same.

Friday May 04, 2018
Though Unseen He Meets Us Here': Where Is Jesus When We Take Communion?
Friday May 04, 2018
Friday May 04, 2018
Darryl Tippens

Friday May 04, 2018
Ministry Insights from Elijah (Part 2: When We've Had Enough)
Friday May 04, 2018
Friday May 04, 2018
Randy Roper
We rejoice in life's mountaintop experiences - those distinct moments when we recognize the presence and power of the Holy Spirit among us. But we know life is not lived on the mountaintop. Like Elijah, we must descend from the summit and face the discouragement and difficulties that so often await us. What do we do when we feel like we've had enough?

Friday May 04, 2018
The Psychopathology of Toxic Faith & A Church Plant
Friday May 04, 2018
Friday May 04, 2018
Lawrence Murry

Friday May 04, 2018
Sacred Startups: The Holy Spirit's Work in Us
Friday May 04, 2018
Friday May 04, 2018
Greg Swinney
Every day is a fresh start for us. We hear about new businesses starting, runners starting the race and the next new diet we will start "tomorrow." Somehow we know when it's time to have a fresh start. The Holy Spirit is all about supernatural fresh starts. Join us in this session to learn about the Sacred Startups of the Holy Spirit throughout the Bible and the potential for new beginnings in our lives today.

Friday May 04, 2018
Experiencing the Spirit in Ephesians (Part 3: Drinking the Spirit)
Friday May 04, 2018
Friday May 04, 2018
Bobby Valentine
This class offers a way of sharing the reality of the Spirit with people through reading Ephesians. This third class will reflect on the role of the Spirit in worship and ethics as believers embody the life of Christ in the world.