
Thursday May 19, 2022
Retrieving Communion: A Call to the Table
Thursday May 19, 2022
Thursday May 19, 2022
Teacher: Bradley Steele
Since their inception, the weekly celebration of the Lord’s Supper has remained a distinctive practice in Churches of Christ. However, though most congregations remain unified in the practice of weekly celebration, their actual execution of that celebration varies rather widely. This class constitutes a call to a renewed celebration of the Eucharist through the retrieval of the Eucharistic theology of Scripture and the early Church.

Thursday May 19, 2022
Church Planting in a Digital Age
Thursday May 19, 2022
Thursday May 19, 2022
Teacher: Ron Clark
During the Covid pandemic Kairos was faced with a dilemma concerning church planters, campus leaders, and assessing future leaders. We quickly pivoted and witnessed our planters develop hybrid models of ministry. Kairos also developed online assessment labs (Discovery and Strategy Labs) and continued to train and prepare leaders to begin new ministries in 2022. This online format opens the door for global assessment, training, and planting throughout the world. In this session we will discuss how the digital age affects leadership development, discernment for calling, and preparing future leaders in Jesus’ kingdom.

Thursday May 19, 2022
Seeing Around Corners
Thursday May 19, 2022
Thursday May 19, 2022
Teacher: Tim Spivey
Capturing Your Church's Future

Thursday May 19, 2022
Here Goes Nothing
Thursday May 19, 2022
Thursday May 19, 2022
Teacher: Wade Hodges
A Theology of Ministry From Ecclesiastes

Wednesday May 18, 2022
Conversations Matter
Wednesday May 18, 2022
Wednesday May 18, 2022
Teachers: Scott and Kim Lambert
We cannot shy away from difficult conversations that matter and we need safe places to have them. Join Scott and Kim Lambert, co-founders of The Conversation Group, to discover why Christian leaders around the world are actively seeking mentorship relationships and leaning into impactful conversations. You will be encouraged by the four principles above and discover how they can impact the relationships you are navigating.

Wednesday May 18, 2022
A Guarantee You Can Trust
Wednesday May 18, 2022
Wednesday May 18, 2022
Teacher: Shon Smith
These days few guarantees seem to be worth more than the paper they are printed on, but in 2 Peter 1 we find a guarantee that one can take to the bank. It is the guarantee that one can make a profound impact on this world for the glory of Jesus. This guarantee, however, hinges on a growing faith. Join us for this class to discuss qualities that every disciple must allow the Holy Spirit to form in them to make the greatest impact through them.

Wednesday May 18, 2022
The New Face of Anxiety
Wednesday May 18, 2022
Wednesday May 18, 2022
Teacher: Ghavinn Crutcher
Texting rather than talking. Gathering likes and followers. Making friends via a gaming console. Unrelenting 24/7 news cycles. Ready or not, the rise of social media, and 24/7 Internet access has changed the way we relate to one another (and ourselves), leaving in its wake a whole new set of challenges for those who use it.

Wednesday May 18, 2022
Senior Ministry: Taking Care of Jesus
Wednesday May 18, 2022
Wednesday May 18, 2022
Teachers: Everett and Earlene Bryson
The world system in which we all live has many different theologies and principles when it comes to serving seniors, the sick and shut-in, the poor, the needy and others. Some think that there is no value in taking care of these individuals. However, Jesus Christ teaches the value in serving and meeting the needs of indigent people. In this session “Senior Ministry: Taking Care of Jesus, we will examine the principles of serving those in needs and the ultimate benefits of this type of service through the message of Jesus in Matthew 25:31-40. This session is part of the Sunset Haven Senior Ministry Series.

Wednesday May 18, 2022
I Would Not Have Chosen That Text
Wednesday May 18, 2022
Wednesday May 18, 2022
Teacher: Candace Nicolds
Do you sometimes struggle coming up with texts for your next sermon series? Perhaps you find yourself defaulting to some of your favorite texts, or those that seem “easy” to preach. In this class, we will discuss some of the positives (and negatives) that come with following a lectionary, look at some of the different lectionaries available, and explore some of the resources that are available for preachers and/or worship-planners who use a lectionary.

Wednesday May 18, 2022
Lord, I Want to See
Wednesday May 18, 2022
Wednesday May 18, 2022
Teacher: Ben Fike
We knew there would be disagreement in church, but nobody warned us about the alternate realities! And yet, doesn’t it sometimes feel as if we’re living in a completely different world from those around us? Many of the conflicts we deal with these days seem to have much less to do with what we see than how we see it. Modern psychology gives us a helpful label for identifying how otherwise similar people might arrive at wildly different interpretations of what they see: cognitive biases. This class will explore several common biases and how awareness of bias in ourselves and others can help us communicate more effectively and others, even and especially those with whom we disagree.

Wednesday May 18, 2022
Establishing a Congregational Health Ministry Outreach
Wednesday May 18, 2022
Wednesday May 18, 2022
Teacher: Allen Wai Jang
Health is viewed as a gift from God and a way of relational living in community. Health promotion and religious beliefs are integrated into the normal cycles of life to celebrate life, enhance coping, wholeness, and improve community well-being. I will use Tai Chi and Qigong exercises as a model to illustrate intentional contextual practices that can foster a congregation’s sense of mutual dependence and foster persons’ ability to both give and receive care.

Wednesday May 18, 2022
There Was a Man Who Had Two Sons
Wednesday May 18, 2022
Wednesday May 18, 2022
Teacher: Dave Altizer
A very personal reflection from a man with two sons; one an alcoholic and one an aspiring chemist/neuroscientist. For parents and churches dealing with two sons, and with Luke 15 as a backdrop, this session aims to offer hope, partnership, and encouragement from a man who is still on the journey with his two sons.

Wednesday May 18, 2022
Transforming Anemic Kingdom Imaginations
Wednesday May 18, 2022
Wednesday May 18, 2022
Teacher: Cheryl Russell
A message from Ephesians 2 about the possibility of cultivating a new Kingdom imagination that reflects the fullness of God.

Wednesday May 18, 2022
The Deconstruction of Faith
Wednesday May 18, 2022
Wednesday May 18, 2022
Teachers: Chris Goldman, Piper Ditzler
Deconstruction of faith is a critical discussion in our time impacting everyone. Reconstruction of relationships seems out of reach to so many. Division and disbelief is running rampant. Avoiding the conversation is simply not an option. On Wednesday and Thursday evenings, the Northwest Church Worship Band and Chris Goldman will explore these two topics through scripture, story, music, live art, and suggestions for a more hopeful tomorrow. (Wednesday - Deconstruction; Thursday - Reconstruction).

Wednesday May 18, 2022
Who Decides Who Decides?
Wednesday May 18, 2022
Wednesday May 18, 2022
Teachers: Greg Anderson, Grady King, Doug Peters
HOPE Network leaders discuss leadership structure in Churches of Christ: assumptions, frustrations, and a biblical model of gift-based shared leadership. Polity angst is one of the top reasons for a minister’s transition resulting in congregations yearning for solidarity, health, and growth.

Tuesday May 17, 2022
Sacred Wonder and Radical Amazement
Tuesday May 17, 2022
Tuesday May 17, 2022
Teacher: Richard Beck
Surveys declare that America is now officially a "post-Christian" nation. Churches are in numerical decline and the faith is failing to pass on to our children. How do we proclaim the gospel to a skeptical, disbelieving world? Join Richard Beck to learn how recovering sacred wonder and radical amazement can revitalize faith in a faithless world.

Tuesday May 17, 2022
Campus Ministers’ Waters of Life
Tuesday May 17, 2022
Tuesday May 17, 2022
Teachers: Melvina Brown, Hannah Parmelee
As campus ministers, we generously give students our time, emotional energy, and wisdom, and our life with God. Our lives with God must be constantly refreshed with the Divine Life. When they aren’t, we are weary, burdened, and burnt-out, and our families and ministries suffer along with us. “Campus Ministers’ Waters of Life” is time to renew in the abundant waters of God. We will look at the soil of our souls, the care they need, catch a vision for more of life with God, and pray for one another.

Tuesday May 17, 2022
Preaching Through a Pandemic
Tuesday May 17, 2022
Tuesday May 17, 2022
Teacher: Pat Bills
Panelists: Sara Barton, Randy Harris, Amy Bost Henegar
That churches have been through an unprecedented season of heartache and turmoil is no secret. And preachers have felt the weight of loss, the challenge of meeting high expectations, and a pressure to hold “all the things” together. Join us for a workshop that will offer you hope and encouragement for the task of preaching and leading. Come and be reminded of your call and gospel conviction.

Tuesday May 17, 2022
The Church as Storyteller and the Allure of History
Tuesday May 17, 2022
Tuesday May 17, 2022
Teacher: Jerry Rushford
Panelists: Wes Crawford, Dyron Daughrity, Jamey Gorman, John Mark Hicks, Loretta Hunnicutt, Stanley Talbert
This workshop will encourage a conversation on the many different categories in Restoration history that attract us and compel us to research and write about them. It might also lead to a discussion about which categories have been neglected in our storytelling, and make suggestions for new categories in future publications.

Tuesday May 17, 2022
Connecting Kids to God’s Story
Tuesday May 17, 2022
Tuesday May 17, 2022
Teachers: Marian and Tim Parker
We are all born with a desire to connect to The One who desires us the most. The richness and diversity in God's creation speaks to each child, but not every child experiences or learns in the exact same way. We will explore the ideas and truths in the stories found in scripture using a variety of different methods—science, art, games, drama, history, and storytelling—to help you, your volunteers, and your students find their unique place in the greatest story of all.

Tuesday May 17, 2022
When Jesus Comes to Dinner
Tuesday May 17, 2022
Tuesday May 17, 2022
Teachers: Leonard Allen, Darryl Tippens
The weekly observance of the Lord's Supper has long been a key identity marker of Churches of Christ, yet even as the practice has been forcefully defended as an essential ordinance of the church, for many believers the spiritual power and purpose of communion have been mysteriously reduced. “When Jesus Comes to Dinner” will explore the Bible’s and the ancient church’s rich and multifaceted understanding of the Eucharist with a call to restore its fuller meaning. The session will invite participants to join in crafting fresh language for creative communion services.

Tuesday May 17, 2022
Becoming a Discipling Church
Tuesday May 17, 2022
Tuesday May 17, 2022
Teachers: Sandy Johnson, Dusty Rush
Ministry in 2022 is hard. Many church leaders are overwhelmed with the, now seemingly impossible task of gathering Christians for one hour each week. Creating onramps for engaging these same Christians in substantive discipling can seem all but impossible. In this session, we want to claim that discipling is not dead while exploring together practical ways churches can train followers of Jesus to fully participate with God in missional living.

Tuesday May 17, 2022
The Journey of the Soul
Tuesday May 17, 2022
Tuesday May 17, 2022
Teacher: Claire Allensworth
How does the soul develop and change? Do we have a vision for how intimacy with God can grow throughout our lifetime? How can we assist others into a more soul-full life with God? Join us as we consider the journey of the soul as modeled by Saint Teresa of Avila and consider key questions, challenges, and opportunities at each stage of our dynamic life with God.

Tuesday May 17, 2022
Christians are Desperate for the Holy Spirit
Tuesday May 17, 2022
Tuesday May 17, 2022
Teacher: Jay Hawkins
Christians have become more comfortable talking about the Holy Spirit yet something is amiss. Why has our current church and cultural situation caused an increased thirst for the Spirit? What practical steps forward can we take?

Tuesday May 17, 2022
Community That Can Row North
Tuesday May 17, 2022
Tuesday May 17, 2022
Teacher: Rhonda Lowry
Characteristics of Christian community that can sustain itself while rowing against the current